

250g (Bio)


Nice to meet you!

"I am a delicious walnut of the highest quality. My rich flavor and crunchy texture make me the perfect snack for any time of day. Whether you enjoy me straight out of the bag, use me as a topping on your salads or desserts, or bake me into your favorite recipes, I'm sure to surprise you with my delicious taste".

Thank you for choosing me and I can't wait to delight your taste buds with my crunchy character!


KCAL, 706
Fat | Vetten ׀ Graisses ׀ Fette l دهون, 68.1 g
Saturated fat | Verzadigd vet | Matières grasses saturées | Gesättigte Fette | دهون مشبعة, 6.8 g
Trans fats | Transvetten | Graisses trans | Transfette | دهون متحولة, -
Cholesterol | Cholesterol | Cholestérol | Cholesterin | كولسترول, -
Sodium | Natrium | Sodium | Natrium | صوديوم, -
Carbohydrates | Koolhydraten | Glucides | Kohlenhydrate | كربوهيدرات, 5.1 g
Dietary fiber | Voedingsvezels | Fibres alimentaires | Ballaststoffe | ألياف غذائية, 4.6 g
Salt | Zout | Salé | Salz | ملح 0,005 g
Sugars | Suikers | Sucres | Zucker | سكريات, 2.9 g
Added sugars | Toegevoegde suikers | Sucres ajoutés | Zugesetzter Zucker | سكر مضاف, -
Protein | Eiwitten | Protéines | Eiweiß | بروتين, 15.9 g
Calcium | Calcium | Calcium | Kalzium | كالسيوم, -
Iron | IJzer | Fer | Eisen | حديد, -
Potassium | Kalium | Potassium | Kalium | بوتاسيوم, -

Ingredients: Walnuts

Ingrediënten: Walnoten

Ingrédients: Noix

Zutaten: Walnüsse

المكونات: عين الجمل

Contains nuts. May contain traces of peanuts.
Bevat noten. Kan sporen van pinda's bevatten.
Contient des noix. Peut contenir des traces d'arachides.
Enthält Nüsse. Kann Spuren von Erdnüssen enthalten.
يحتوي على المكسرات. قد يحتوي على آثار من الفول السوداني